Later we head (a little early) to the EGG's 18 month doc appt.
New stats: 33 inches, 24 lbs. The EGG has great fun with the stethescope and impresses the docs with her accomplishments, particularly her recent appreciation of using the potty on a pretty regular basis before bed and first thing in the morning. The EGG is now talking up a storm, coming up with new words every day, sometimes putting them together so as to command us: "Mama, down"; "Ezra, Out". She has also discovered "wunning" and sometimes climbs into frightening locations, like the top of the cat tree. Games of pretend with her "baby" and other friends are also popular and she is getting excited about being a big sister. Reading, "cooking," swimming and playing in the sandbox and playground remain great favorites. The EGG can now also tell you that she is one and lives in LA ("lay") when asked.
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