The EGG has a big sleep over 2 nights in a row over at boom boom and bapa's house, in celebration of emma and mom's shared bday on the 27th.
Emma came to LA to have her birthday party
This includes a water balloon toss
And a pinata that pooped coins and candy
There was also stickers and other cool stuff
Everybody had fun
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The EGG shows off her climbing skills. (video)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
After getting her new delivery of diapers,
the EGG wants to share with everyone.
Papap pays a visit.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The EGG is ready to do some cooking
The EGG and Nelly play a game (video)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The EGG likes to be spun round and round
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The EGG endures some traumatic clothes modeling.
Friday, June 6, 2008
The EGG has will be 15 months tomorrow and just had her doctor appt. New stats: 32 1/2 inches long, 22 lbs.
A quick count of words the EGG says at this point reveals almost fifty! Of course, not all our pronounced exactly correctly... Some favorites: Mine!, No, More, Go, Eye, Nose, Mouth, Bubbles, Up, Down, Cat, Ball, Book, Cookie (sometimes to eat, sometimes to cook)... and on and on. Names, food items and animal sounds are also very popular. But the EGG's newfound verbosity (and love of books) has not slowed her down, she's always on the go and eager to see other kids, and do "up down" of course.